Monday, September 1, 2008

My first backpack trip of the year was even more importantly my son's first backpack trip in his life.  We headed into the Mokelumne Wilderness on the auspicious day of 8/8/2008.

The "moke" is known for its up down terrain and trails that lead outward bound with spur trails but no real loops to speak of.  We headed out to Wheeler lake for our first nights camp.  We day tripped to Frog Lake the first day which kept to the theme of healthy climbs up to a ridgeline and dropping down into a valley that held the lake.

Joel made good use of a Gerber knife I gave him before the trip, he whittle many a stick.  He was intrigued by the Jetboil stove we used for cooking and the Katydyn water filter that we used to purify the crystal clear water.

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