Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust. We hunted a burn area this year, and it wasn't just any burn. The fire here got so hot it burned the seeds and it's taken this forest some time to get going. Which makes for more browse and open space. Big mule deer graced this area at one time, but we saw more black bear on our daily jaunts.

Both my buddy and I missed a bear, I shot high and he shot low. Second prize may have been a first after reflecting, we both got really close and personal to some black bears and we all lived for another glorious day!

To any camo geeks out there, please note the digital camo "optifade" on the backpack and the hat.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

High country Sierra Nevada: mountain quail

Hunting in the high country of the Sierra Nevada is crisp, invigorating, and challenging. Animals abound and hunting with a longbow gives countless tales to tell.

Mountain quail make for small game and the challenge to gather and hunt.